Océan et pêche connectés

Connected ocean and fishing

Évènement - The 16 Jun 2021


WEDNESDAY JUNE 16, 2021 FROM 9:00 AM TO 3:30 PM

During this annual review of new uses of the ANRT, which, for this session, is very "space" colored, our participation will revolve around the growing importance of satellite data on currents, winds and waves to improve the management of activities at sea, including fishing.

It will also be about ocean protection, sustainable management of resources, connected ships and fisheries, satellite telecommunications ... all topics where space plays a central role and brings new perspectives that contribute to better safety, more information and more efficiency in terms of management.

Videoconference or face to face (Ifremer, Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - 29280 Plouzané)
