Webinaires "Choose space for your R&D!"

Choose space for your R&D!

Actualité -

Industrialists, test your health R&D in space!

Take part in the first webinars in France on health R&D in microgravity, and discover how to take your experiments on board the ISS!

An option now possible

Did you know that 400 km above our heads is an exceptional industrial research laboratory: the International Space Station!

This laboratory offers unique microgravity features and extreme radiative conditions that allow us to understand and optimize many physical, chemical and biological phenomena.

Every year, more than 200 experiments and developments are carried out there. Why not yours?

Information Webinars

We are organizing a series of four workshops to introduce you to the benefits of R&D / R&T in space for different industrial sectors:

Carré Webinaire Bioprod

Bioproduction (date to be defined)

Program for each session

  • all that space can bring to your industrial experiences,
  • testimonies from leading international experts,
  • feedback from a pioneering industrial partner in research.

These webinars are organized by CNES, Connect by CNES and MEDES, in partnership with Space Commerce Matters and a research pioneer for each theme (France Biotech, Cosmetic Valley, Clubster Nutrition Santé Longévité*).

*partners and speakers to be finalized

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