Dare to engage
For the past three years, Connect by CNES has been supporting the group of explorers Les Engagés.
This relationship is based on Connect by CNES's desire to reach out to young entrepreneurs and help them implement their projects, with assistance that goes far beyond just technical or financial support.
Les Engagés are driven by the values of sharing and team spirit, and a desire to constantly push back their own limits. They have a burning need to step out of their comfort zone, to cross traditional borders and discover new horizons.
These values are an integral part of the DNA of Connect by CNES, which is why their initiative resonated strongly with our teams and we decided to help them with their expeditions.
This is the story of an extraordinary adventure that CNES and Connect by CNES have been supporting for the past three years.

It all began three years ago. A group of young entrepreneurs with a shared thirst for adventure met up and began to dream together. In the same way that they had succeeded with their business start-up project, they decided to translate their desire for escape into action.
We shared the same determination to go beyond our current limits. Driven by a strong desire for freedom and discovery, we decided to engage in this extraordinary human and physical challenge together.
In 2018 , they organized their first expedition, heading to Greenland to brave the extreme, icy cold conditions.
Communication links are essential in such hostile places, and this is where CNES stepped in to provide support.

We first got to know the CNES teams during our time at Station-F, as part of an ESA BIC incubation project with regular technical support. We soon built up a strong rapport because we shared similar values, so it was only natural that we asked them to support our expedition to Greenland. The Connect by CNES teams loaned us a satellite phone and helped us arrange a package for its use. It was invaluable in an environment where we were completely isolated, without any reception. Satellite links are the only way to keep in touch under such conditions.
Technical support, essential
This support was implemented largely thanks to the technical efforts of experts from CESARS, the centre for expertise and support for satellite telecommunications uses.
The CESARS technical platform, which works to make satcoms available to companies and communities, ensured that these communications were configured and guaranteed throughout the adventurers' various expeditions.

CNES and Connect by CNES continued their support for subsequent expeditions, each time lending the necessary telecom equipment: an Iridium GO telephone, two batteries and a satellite use package. Besides securing their route and providing communication links, the satellite phone enabled the adventurers to keep in touch with their community of followers.
On the CNES side, this cooperation also has advantages, as it enables the equipment to be tested in different ways and under extreme conditions, which is really important.
Thanks to the Iridium GO telephone loaned by CNES and the technical support provided by the CESARS telecom experts, we were able to publish photos and texts throughout the expedition, enabling our community to follow us and share our adventure via social networks. It helped us keep in touch and enabled our families to travel with us – we were very pleased to be lent the equipment; it was just what we needed.
Fanned into flame during their trip to Greenland, the young entrepreneurs' spirit of adventure has never left them since.
In 2019 their initiative took shape under the name Les Engagés and they embarked on a new challenge: to climb Aconcagua, the highest peak outside Asia (6962 metres).
In 2020 Les Engagés will set sail for a new destination: Lapland. Unlike the previous occasions, on this trip they will face the polar night alone, without a guide, in temperatures as low as -40°C and in extreme isolation.
CNES, with the technical support of the CESARS platform, will once again be there to support the young explorers and guarantee communications with a satellite phone and use package.

We're driven by team spirit and a desire to constantly push back our limits. Alone it would simply be unthinkable, but together it becomes possible. Even extreme adventure is possible when you dare to engage in it as a team.